Welcome to the First Day of the 23-24 WST! We are so excited for this school year. First session begins at 8:00 am and second session begins at 11:10 am.
about 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
National Spice Blend Day celebrates the unique combinations of flavors found in handpicked spice blends worldwide. Does a little smoky paprika, cumin, and rosemary tantalize your senses? (nationaldaycalendar.com)
about 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
Labor Day occurs on the first Monday of every September to recognize the men and women who labor to build our country. Labor Day began as a coordinated effort of the labor movement in the 1800s. #Laborday
about 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
WST Map for 23-24 school year. We appreciate your support as we move through construction.
about 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
School begins at WST on Tuesday, September 5th! We are so excited to welcome students to the new school year. With the new year there are many exciting changes happening to the WST campus. Please check out our newsletter to learn more!
about 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
@kitsapbuildersassociation - Thank you for inviting WST participate in the Home and Garden Show. We are thankful for your support and collaboration and surprises by the certificate of Best Non-Profit. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
WST student Emma is competing in the state Special Olympics Swimming competition- wishing her the best today!
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
HVAC students in action - they took a donated ice machine, fixed it and got it working!
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
Congratulations to WST's construction careers teacher, Eric Erickson on his retirement! Thank you for making a true difference in the lives of our students!
WST Senior Celebration, Friday, June 2nd at 11:30 am. Families welcome to join!
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
Join WST this weekend at the Kitsap Home and Garden Show! Our booth is open for you to explore!
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
The WST Foundation Luncheon and Scholarship Event is LIVE this year!
Wednesday, May 24, 11:30 am, must pre-register to attend. Suggested donation of $50 per lunch to support scholarships.
Go to: https://forms.gle/usrZhCSNGyiSSvoG8
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
Today is the DAY! WST Hiring Event on campus today. Exciting opportunities in our community.
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
Registration is now open for WST Summer School! Classes begin June 26 - July 14 (no school July 3-4). Classes are FREE and open to all incoming 9th -12th grade students. Students may earn a 0.5 elective credit.
Go to: https://wst.smapply.org/prog/2023_summer_program/
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
April is the month of the military child. Please wear purple on April 15 to support our military children!
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
Calling all community members! We are looking for individuals that would like to participate in the WST Works Mock Interviews March 30 & March 31. We are in need of adults to interview students in a variety of program areas. Times are 8:00 - 10:30 and 11:00 - 1:30 both days.
over 1 year ago, Shani Watkins
Former WST welding student recognized for her work contributions - check it out!
Professional Medical Careers students complete a patient assessment and vitals on Violet. Some students in the course are interested in veterinary medicine and are able to practice their skills on animals.